"The mind is the limit. As long as the mind can envision the fact that you can do something, you can do it, as long as you really believe 100 percent."
"I never set limits or created mental barriers. You may have read that I imagined my biceps as big as mountain peaks when I did my curling exercises. This visualization process was essential if I was to gain the kind of mass and size I needed to win the Mr. Olympia contest against monsters like Sergio Oliva and Lou Ferrigno ..."
"Experiencing this pain in my muscles and aching and going on and on is my challenge. The last three or four reps is what makes the muscles grow. This area of pain divides a champion from someone who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens. I have no fear of fainting. I do squats until I fall over and pass out. So what? It's not going to kill me. I wake up five minutes later and I'm OK. A lot of other athletes are afraid of this. So they don't pass out. They don't go on."
"Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength."
"Learned helplessness is the giving-up reaction, the quitting response that follows from the belief that whatever you do doesn't matter."
"Good things don't happen by coincidence. Every dream carries with it certain risks, especially the risk of failure. But I am not stopped by risks. Suppose a great person takes the risk and fails. Then the person must try again. You cannot fail forever. If you try ten times, you have a better chance of making it on the eleventh try than if you didn't try at all."
"As a kid I always idolized the winning athletes. It is one thing to idolize heroes. It is quite another to visualize yourself in their place. When I saw great people, I said to myself: "I can be there."
"We all have great inner power. The power is self-faith. There's really an attitude
to winning. You have to see yourself winning before you win. And you have to be
hungry. You have to want to conquer."
"My instinct was to win, eliminate anyone who is in competition, destroy my enemy,
and move on without any kind of hesitiation at all."
"The unique thing about bodybuilding is that when I compete it is just me on a stage
alone. There is no field, no bat, no ball, no skis, no skates. All other athletes
have to use equipment, like a football. But I don't use anything in competition
except myself. It's just me up there. Me alone. No coach. No nothing."
alone. There is no field, no bat, no ball, no skis, no skates. All other athletes
have to use equipment, like a football. But I don't use anything in competition
except myself. It's just me up there. Me alone. No coach. No nothing."
"For me life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer."
"I knew I was a winner back in the late sixties. I knew I was destined for great things. People will say that kind of thinking is totally immodest. I agree. Modesty is not a word that applies to me in any way - I hope it never will."
"The last three or four reps is what makes the muscle grow. This area of pain divides the champion from someone else who is not a champion. That's what most people lack, having the guts to go on and just say they'll go through the pain no matter what happens."
"The resistance that you fight physically in the gym and the resistance that you fight in life can only build a strong character"
"Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body."
" What we face may look insurmountable. But I learned something from all those years of training and competing. I learned something from all those sets and reps when I didn't think I could lift another ounce of weight. What I learned is that we are always stronger than we know.
be great - Arnold Schwarzenegger | 6 Rules of Success